Mauseschlau & Bärenstark
Sony BMG (2006/2007)

Gudrun Lehmann has produced much more than just the music for long-running radio play series "Mauseschlau & Bärenstark". She has also taken on the roles of director and co-producer. The lovingly drawn figures of "Mauseschlau & Bärenstark" are top-notch musical characters, and the witty, imaginative, often exciting stories are told as elaborate musical radio plays, resulting in a variety of idiosyncratic musical moments. Below are some excerpts from various episodes ...
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Stups in Gefahr
Bärenstark: Stefan Gwildis/Werner Wölbern; Mauseschlau: Christine Rothacker; Igel Stups: Andrea Bongers/Doris Decker; Hase Anton: Andreas Zaron; Frosch Glibber: Andreas Zaron; Eule Madame Hu: Ernie Reinhard (alias Lilo Wanders); Professor Fuchs: Harald Maack; Gans Lola: Caroline Kiesewetter